Ah, the fickleness of my enthusiasm. In the last [long period of time], I've seen a complete shift from disappointment with the video games industry to being completely enthralled by it. So much, in fact, that it seems to have temporarily muscled my other nerdy passions to an after thought.
Since, I have finished Mass Effect 2, including the Shadow Broker DLC, and I was blown away at the ending of that game. It was executed fantastically, leaving no room let down. I felt that every decision I made was absolutely crucial. As I sent secondary squads off to accomplish their mission, I genuinely worried about them as I carried out my own. This is an experience I've never had with a game before it. In short: Mass Effect good.
Wrapping up Mass Effect let me jump into Enslaved, a game I've been itching to pop in for some time now. The characters were fantastically done. You care about them, and you want nothing more than to see them succeed. While you play the character of Monkey, you're just as invested in Trip and everything she does around you. The controls were stiff at times, but it was never overly frustrating, and you're so involved in the emotions of the characters that most of the time you don't even notice. It's the first game I've ever finished, and immediately sought out the DLC because I wanted to stay in that world. It's here I was further surprised, because Pigsy's Perfect 10 is the best valued DLC I've purchased. You're given an entirely new story, playing as Pigsy. After meeting this character in the main story, its very clear that completely new game mechanics are in store, and they play just as well as the original game. Its criminal this game wasn't enjoyed by more.
Well, all of that was written in November, but I never posted it. I may as well throw it out there, because past me would certainly be disappointed that his writing went unread. Since then, I've played plenty of other games but I don't really want to write about them. Suffice to say, Batman: Arkham City was my favorite, Skyrim was great for the first 100 hours, but steeply declined after that, and Valve reaffirmed it's position as my favorite game company with Portal 2 (as well as my FIRST play through Half Life 2). Oh, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. That happened.
I will say, I'm finally starting to crawl out of my video game obsession and getting ready to dive back into miniatures. I seem to be absolutely terrible at keeping up both hobbies at the same time, which inevitably leads to neglect. Hopefully, this time I can keep both equally satisfied. I hope to start a project log here soon as I slowly, but surely, get my Seamus crew painted and looking pretty. Hopefully, my absence hasn't deteriorated my mediocre skills too much.
Rant, rant, rant, rabble, rabble, rabble. I'll end with what seems to be my catch phrase: "I hope to make these postings more regular, more entertaining, and more gooder."
I always feel like media "urges" come in phases, it happens for me all the time too. I think it can be a good thing too though, you know the whole "absence makes the heart grow fonder." The more time I spend away from a hobby, the more excitement is built for my eventual return to it.