It's been quite some time since I visited the blog. I can't say I have much of a reason, simply that I just haven't had much to say or had much time to say it. The pressures and excitement of a new job, a newly acquired hobby to add to my long list of them, and, most of all, a falling out with the video games industry have all contributed to the silence. Until now, of course.
A new direction, I feel, is exactly where this blog needs to go. this will be the first of a new format I may or may not want to use, and any feedback to its effectiveness is appreciated. Plenty of alcohol went into the production of this blog, but thankfully no kittens were harmed.
Movie of the week:
To be honest, I haven't got around to watching any new films recently. Most notably, I've revisited The Godfather franchise and have plenty to say about it.
First off, it is abundantly clear to me that I need to read the Mario Puzo novels. After brief discussion with a co-worker about the character of Luca Brasi, based on his experience with the book, I was able to experience such a deeper understanding of his impact on the Corleone family. The characters in the novelized version of the story seem so complex and deep that I feel that one of the best films of all time could very well be improved two fold by reading the literature.
Video Game of the Week:
Yes, I'm aware that I'm behind on playing this game. However, recently I've dove into Mass Effect 2 for the first time and there is little I can say about it that hasn't already been said. It does a fantastic job of presenting every situation in an "epic" sort of way and I feel by the end of it I will be just as excited as everybody else for the sequel.
There are, however, some snags I find with the game that many probably overlook in their blind adoration of the title. Most glaring is the load times. I find myself avoiding any situation in which I might find myself at a load screen because I literally feel I should walk away for a while and come back when it's done. Second, I find the there are many, many more paragon options than renegade options when it comes to cut scenes. I am, however, satisfied with the option to punch the reporter in the face. That alone sold me on this game being one-of-a-kind. It certainly is no where close to derailing Red Dead Redemption as my favorite game of 2010 (clearly, I'm behind in the times) but it is deserving of MOST of its praise and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a great game to lose themselves in.
Other Topic of the Week:
This week I managed to get a game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th edition in. I took quite the beating, but overall the game was fun. As it was my second game of 8th ed, I am able to make a few more criticisms of the release. First of all, I felt like there should have been more beer involved. That is to say, I didn't think there were any huge tactical mistakes and that 8th edition is all about setting up a couple of armies, throwing them at each other, and seeing who is left standing at the end. I don't view it as either a good or bad thing, merely differently from past editions. It's much more social and much less competitive. My favorite moment of the game? Plenty of fanatics smashing through a small unit of rangers and not doing a single wound. I love moments like that.
All in all, that is what I have to say about my nerd life the last week or so. The future will see more obscure games/movies/nerd stuffs, but for now I simply needed to get something out there. Next week I hope to have finished Mass Effect 2 and will be playing Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, I just finished reading Heir to the Empire and will be reading World War . I'll also re-watch and review Eden Lake, a movie I'm positive there is a chance you probably haven't seen. Also, I'm looking for a new comic/graphic novel to dive into so if you have suggestions, leave a comment or send me an email.
Look for a podcast I co-host called Podcast Sandwiches on iTunes, or find it at If you have any questions or comments you'd like me to address, leave a comment (ideally) or shoot me an e-mail at cbarnes568 at gmail dot com. (If you can't figure out the actual format of the e-mail, this probably isn't the blog for you)
Peace out!
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