Saturday, April 14, 2012

Seamus in Progress: The Road to Walpurgis

14 days.

In 14 days, Walpurgis weekend will be here and hours of glorious Malifaux gaming will be upon me. Until then, I slave away painting. The bulk majority of the crew is now base coated, which is the good news. The bad news, is that I still have models to PURCHASE, prep, base, prime, coat, and highlight. Bette Noire and The Copycat Killer are each based, but unprimed.

No progress update would be complete without pictures, so here you go. To keep it simple, I only shot a couple varieties to get the idea across.

I think I'm going to scale back the "production line" style of painting and focus on each model for the highlighting process. I've found that if I focus on a single miniature, I can extend my motivation during each painting session longer. When I'm moving along a production line, I start to get a cabin fever feeling and walk away for the sake of walking away.

 For each of the next updates, I will presenting groups of finished miniatures. These categories will be Seamus himself, Madame Sybelle and her Belles, the Crooked Men, Convict Gunslinger, Bette Noire and the Copy Cat Killer, then whatever else I end up adding (probably a Hanged and Jack Daw).

On a side note, throw me suggestions on what I should add for Seamus.

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